The ravioli in this recipe are square (you can make round too, called tortellini), and different sizes are called raviolini, ravioli and ravioloni respectively. from the smallest to the largest....
The flat, slightly rounded shape of this pasta particularly suits sauces based on fish. This recipe just goes to show useful it is to keep a tin of tuna in...
I include a recipe for this well known dish because most people I know get it completely wrong, either adding milk or cream or letting the eggs become scrambled. This...
Almost everywhere, and especially in seaside restaurants in Italy, you can find this dish, which is made with any kind of local, fresh, small mollusc or fish. You can use...
This is one of the simples sauces. If you use garlic instead of onion, and olive oil instead of butter, you obtain a Neapolitan sauce that is equally good. If...
There are many different varieties of minestrone, each one varying according to regional customs. I’ll allow you to substitute a stock cube for home made stock in this recipe, but...
You can experiment using different flours here, but I thing Italian 00 flour (farina 00 or doppio zero) in the easiest to work with by hand. Ingredients makes about 450...
Serves: 4 Ingredients: Salt 1 lb pasta (bucatini or spaghetti) 3 tablespoon unsalted butter, cubed, divided 1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper 3/4 cup finely grated Grana Padano or Parmesan cheese...