Sliced Brussels sprouts with crispy crumbs

Forget the overcooked, watery Brussels sprouts of horrid memory. Little cabbages, or cavolini du bruxelles, take on a new and delightful character when briefly sautéed, Italian style. Serve to accompany roasted or sautéed pork or as a warm appetizer.
Serves: 3 as an appetizer or side dish
- 1/2 pound Brussels sprouts
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 3/4 cup tiny red grape tomatoes
- 3 tablespoons water
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
- 2 tablespoons bread crumbs or pine nuts
- Fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Trim the Brussels sprouts, cut in half, and slice very thinly parallel with the stalk. Warm the olive oil in a large skillet over moderate heat. Add the sliced sprouts, and sauté, turning often, about 1 minute. Add the tomatoes and water, cover, and steam until tender, 2 or 3 minutes. The sliced should remain intact and be tender crisp, but if they are still to firm, continue sautéing for another minute. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a small skillet over moderate heat. Stir in the bread crumbs and sauté until crisp and golden, about 30 seconds (If using pine nuts, sauté in butter just until they start to brown, about 20 seconds). Season the sprouts and tomatoes with salt and pepper, divide among warmed plates, and sprinkle with the toasted crumbs or pine nuts.